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Material 2

Daemonite's Material UI 2 is a fully responsive front-end interface based on Google Material Design developed using Bootstrap 4.

Currently 4.6.2-1.0
(Based on Bootstrap 4.6.2)


The basic idea behind this project is to combine the front-end technology of the popular Bootstrap open_in_new framework with the visual language of Google Material Design open_in_new .



The primary goal of this project is to give all Bootstrap components and elements a Google Material Design look, so it allows web developers to continue using the exact same Bootstrap HTML markup they are familiar with, but presents them a final outcome that is in line with the principles and specifics of Google Material Design.


A secondary goal of this project is to add support for some unique Google Material Design components such as floating buttons, pickers, and steppers, to name a few, which cannot be achieved by transforming existing Bootstrap components.

Because these components will require additional markup (some may require additional JavaScript), they will be documented separately in Material's documentation.



If a Bootstrap component has an exact match in Google Material Design, this project will style this Bootstrap component based on the specifications laid out in Google Material Design guidelines. For example, Bootstrap's button = Google Material Design's button.

If a Bootstrap component lacks an exact match in Google Material Design, the specifications of a closest matching component in Google Material Design guidelines will be used to style this Bootstrap component. For example, Bootstrap's navbar = Google Material Design's toolbar.

If a Bootstrap component lacks a related counterpart completely in Google Material Design, this project will style this component based on our own iteration of Google Material Design guidelines. For example, Bootstrap's jumbotron and pagination, etc.


No modification has been made to Bootstrap's JavaScript. It is safe to use Bootstrap's JavaScript as it is.

However, in order to achieve some unique Material look such as floating labels, Material includes a handful of additional JavaScript to help bring some of the components to life.